Our boilers are used in refineries to generate the heat needed for refining crude oil. Steam helps distill the crude into its various components. If high-pressure steam is needed, a fired watertube boiler, HRSG, or waste heat boiler may be part of the process. These boilers typically operate on refinery fuels, natural gas, and fuel oil. Applications include fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) coolers and other refining needs.

Chemical Plants
Rentech has equipment installed in chemical plants around the world. Steam is generated for the purposes of general plant heat, recycling of waste heat, and the warming or cooling of reactors used in the manufacturing process. Typical boiler designs used in the chemical industry include direct fired watertube and waste heat boilers.ENERGY PRODUCTION
From natural gas processing to upstream oil production to oil sands extraction, our fired watertube boilers and HRSGs are used in steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD), midstream and downstream process of refining these raw materials into a useable, finished product.

Power generation And utilities
Our fired watertube boilers are commonly used as auxiliary boilers in power plants, and our HRSGs can be used to produce steam to drive steam turbines in co-generation plants and for other processes in combined cycle plantsRENEWABLES
Steam is used to extract ethanol from corn and soybeans; produce energy from biomass or landfill gas; or convert municipal solid waste to energy. Our boilers play a key role in a variety of these processes. Our fired watertube boilers and waste heat boilers also play a role in the conversion of solar power and hot air extraction.

Our boilers are designed for long, reliable, uninterrupted service for college and university campuses, munitions facilities, military bases, and healthcare facilities.They provide essential services such as electric power generation, campus heating and cooling, hot water generation, and laboratory sterilization.breweries and distilleries
Boilers are one of the most important pieces of equipment in the distillation process. From sanitization to the actual production process, having quality steam is important to producing consistent, high quality distilled spirits. Our fired watertube boilers are perfect for this type of application.

Rentech boilers have been a staple within facilities in a variety of applications from providing heat for work areas, to being an integral part of the manufacturing process. Our units have been used in the production of pharmaceuticals, foods and beverages, textiles, pulp and paper products, and fertilizer.Mining
The process of mineral and metal extraction from the ground requires heat, typically provided by a steam boiler. Either using steam for injection or waste heat elsewhere in the process, boilers play a key role in mining operations.

Carbon Black
Carbon black is produced by igniting coal, low-grade petroleum, natural gas, or other types of carbon-based residue, then heating it at high temperatures under a controlled process. In its purest form, carbon black exists as a fine powder and is a vital component in many everyday products and used primarily for rubber reinforcement, insulating material for electrical equipment, and as a pigment source in inks, paints, and polymers. Our waste heat boilers are used in the carbon black production process to cool the tail gases in order to implement the required emission controls.Sulfuric Acid Plants
Waste heat firetube and waste heat watertube boilers are integral to the production of sulfuric acid. Boiler flue gases as well as steam and heat generated by boilers are a key part of the production process.