BOiLERS FirEd with natURAL GAS
Natural gas fired boilers generate steam which is an efficient and reliable source of energy used in a variety of applications including central heating, various manufacturing processes, and refinery applications. Rentech products that are best suited for this application include direct fired packaged watertube boilers and heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) with a supplemental duct burner option.

Rentech is proud to offer alternative fuel systems utilizing hydrogen in lieu of natural gas or fuel oil. When used as a fuel source, hydrogen emits fewer greenhouse gases and is an environmentally friendly alternative to standard carbon-based fuels. Rentech products that are best suited for this application include direct fired watertube boilers and heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) with a supplemental duct burner option.

Boilers fired with refinery gas
Refinery gases are byproducts of the petroleum refining process and can include methane, ethane, propane, butane, and, in some cases, hydrogen. These off gases can be used as a fuel source for boilers to produce steam for plant heating or other processes within the facility.
The Rentech product best suited for these applications is our direct fired watertube boilers.

BOiLERS Heated By Turbine Exhaust gas
By recovering the exhaust gas from gas turbines, heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) increase the efficiency of the system by as much as 20%. This reduces overall operating costs and emits fewer greenhouse gases.
Heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) are used in power plants and marine applications to generate steam used to drive steam turbines (combined cycle) or for other plant processes (co-generation). HRSGs can be provided with or without supplemental duct burners.
The Rentech product best suited for this application is our heat recovery steam generator (HRSG).

BOILERS Fired Using Thermal Oxidizers and incinerators
Incinerators and thermal oxidizers are used to destroy solid waste products, VOCs, carbon monoxide, and HAP emissions by converting them to carbon dioxide and water. The exhaust generated by this equipment can be captured and used as a heat source in a boiler and resulting in a safer byproduct.
Rentech products that are best suited for this application include waste heat boilers.

The combustion of biomass, landfill gas and similar solid waste is another way to generate heat in a more environmentally friendly way.
Rentech products that are best suited for these applications include direct fired watertube boilers, and waste heat boilers.

Applications With High-Flue Gas PRessure
Waste streams with high flue gas pressure can be one of the most challenging applications for heat recovery. Rentech has a wide range of experience to meet these challenges.
Rentech products that are best suited for these applications are our waste heat boilers.

FCC Coolers
Fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is the conversion process used in refineries to convert crude oils into refined products such as gasoline, olefinic gases, and other petroleum products. FCC Coolers are used to regulate the temperature within the cracking process. Rentech is proud to offer designs to meet our clients’ needs to properly regulate these temperatures by cooling gas streams and producing steam to be used in other processes.
Rentech products that are best suited for this application are waste heat boilers.